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Course Descriptions

Courses numbered 1000-1999 are open to freshmen; 2000-2999 to sophomores; 3000-3999 to juniors; 4000-4999 to seniors. It is recommended that students elect courses in the years for which they are listed. Freshmen will be admitted to courses above the 2000 level only with the consent of the instructor and the student’s advisor. Juniors and seniors taking freshman courses may be expected to do additional work. Any course above 4999 is a graduate course.

The number in parentheses following the course title indicates the semester hours of credit assigned to the course.
An H following the course number indicates an honors level course.

CRJU 1010
Introduction to Criminal Justice [Course] (3)

This overview of the criminal justice system includes its dynamics, philosophy, and historical evolution. Also included is an analysis of the roles of law enforcement and correctional agencies and of the courts. Opportunity is available for a pre-practicum experience in a criminal justice agency.

CRJU 1030
Introduction to Private Security Systems [Course] (3)

This course introduces the historical, philosophical, and legal bases of the private security field. An overview of school and campus security, hospital security, housing security, contract security, and corporate security will be presented. Security organization, policies, and personnel roles will be examined. Emphasis in on creating security awareness, relations with other organizations, security's place in relation to the criminal justice system, and privatization. (Offered alternate years)

CRJU 2010
Judicial Systems [Course] (3)

Students analyze the structure and processes of the federal, state, and local court systems with emphasis on interrelationships, recent changes, and future developments. Court simulation and actual observation are included.

CRJU 2030
Fundamentals of Law Enforcement [Course] (3)

This course provides an explanation of current practices and trends concerning the role of law enforcement personnel in relationship to community, courts, corrections, and social control constraints.

CRJU 2050
Criminal Law and Processing [Course] (3)

The purposes, functions, historical foundations, and limitations of criminal law are considered. Emphasis is on the substantive criminal law; examining specific offenses and related case law that speaks to these crimes.

CRJU 2060
Criminal Procedure [Course] (3)

This course is a continuation fo CRJU 2050, focusing on procedural rather than substantive criminal law. Emphasis in this course will be on a casebook approach to the actual functioning of criminal law procedures, from arrest through disposition. Recent changes and trends in procedural law will be considered.

CRJU 2070
Introduction to Forensic Science [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course provides an introduction to the problems and techniques of scientific criminal investigation. Discussion is focused on the fundamental principles of the physical and biological sciences with concern for the application of these principles as an aid to the resolution of legal questions. The value and assistance of various scientific aids to the police officer, detective, or evidence technician in criminal investigations are examined. Also listed as NSC 207. This laboratory is designed to provide hands-on experiences in Forensic Science laboratory work. Also listed as NSC 207.

CRJU 2070
Introduction to Forensic Science [Laboratory] (1)
(Liberal Arts)
This course provides an introduction to the problems and techniques of scientific criminal investigation. Discussion is focused on the fundamental principles of the physical and biological sciences with concern for the application of these principles as an aid to the resolution of legal questions. The value and assistance of various scientific aids to the police officer, detective, or evidence technician in criminal investigations are examined. Also listed as NSC 207. This laboratory is designed to provide hands-on experiences in Forensic Science laboratory work. Also listed as NSC 207.

CRJU 2100
Criminal Investigation [Course] (3)

Criminal Investigation is designed to provide students with the basic theoretical and philosophical understanding of the investigatory process. Analysis of problems encountered in interviewing, interrogating, evidence collection, admissibility, and testifying will be examined. Application of investigation theories to the administration of justice will also be developed. (Offered alternate years)

CRJU 2150
Professional Investigations [Course] (3)

This course will examine the fundamentals of security investigations. The course will compare public and private sector investigation processes and emphasize types of crimes, policies, and procedures more likely to be found in the private sector. A portion of the course will be dedicated to exploring investigative management competencies as well as the common types of security investigations such as fraud, internal and external theft, domestic disputes, contraband in the workplace, and unauthorized access and trespassing. Topics are likely to include qualities of the investigator, discovering covert crimes, interview techniques, evidence, and written statements.

CRJU 3000
Topics in Criminal Justice [Course] (3)

In this seminar course students consider and explore in depth current issues, problems, research, and trends. Topics vary from year to year allowing students to take the course twice. Among the content options are terrorism, community policing, domestic violence, penal and judicial reform, drug enforcement and policy, and restorative justice. (Offered on demand)

CRJU 3010
Crime Victims and the Criminal Justice System [Course] (3)

This course analyzes crime as it specifically impacts the lives of victims. It offers a scientific study of victimization including the relationships between victims and offenders, the interactions between victims and the criminal justice system, and the connections between victims and other societal groups and institutions. Emerging issues such as victim-impact statements, victim assistance programs, victim-directed sentencing, and victim-offender reconciliation are studied. This course is offered every other year. (Offered alternate years)

CRJU 3020
Criminology [Course] (3)

Crime and the criminal offender are studied sociologically to analyze causes of criminal behavior and alternatives for treatment of the offender. Both classical and contemporary reseach perspectives are considered. Also listed as SOCS 3020

CRJU 3040
Research Methods [Course] (3)

The techniques and methods of social reseach are introduced and studied. Included are reseach interviewing, formulating reseach hypotheses, scaling, contructing a questionnaire, conducting a formal survey, and analyzing quantitative data. Opportunity is provided for a practical application of the scientific method of study. Also listed as SOC 304. Prerequisite: Mathematics 200 (Offered alternate years)

CRJU 3050
Correctional Services [Course] (3)

Students examine national, state, and local correctional services. Strategies, objectives, processing, program, legal aspects, institutional arrangements, effectiveness, roles, and interagency relationships are studied from both contemporary and historical perspectives. Both institutional and non-institutional alternatives to incarceration are considered. Offered alternate years.

CRJU 3070
Comparative Criminal Justice Systems [Course] (3)

This course will acquaint students with criminal justice systems from different countries and cultures, comparing and contrasting those legal systems with the criminal justice system in the United States. Emphasis is on the variety of legal approaches and philosophies of justice throughout the world. Students gain an appreciation of how diverse cultures, religion, politics, and economics shape each country's cirminal justice apparatus as a unique system of social control.

CRJU 3080
White Collar Crime [Course] (3)

White Collar Crime is designed to facilitate a unique macro-analysis of crime as it specifically impacts upon the lives of citizens. This course involves a historical and contemporary look at white collar and occupational crime in the United States. The analysis of white collar crime will include: the concept of occupational crime, data collection and reporting on occupational crime, state authority occupational crime, professional occupational crime, individual occupational crime, and the sanctioning and social control of white collar crime. Offered alternate years.

CRJU 3120
Juvenile Delinquency [Course] (3)
(Liberal Arts)
This course offers an analysis of the problems and causes of juvenile delinquency and society's responses to it. History, philosophy, and institutional organization of the juvenile system are considered. Also listed as SOCS 3120

CRJU 3140
Juvenile Justice Systems [Course] (3)

This course concentrates on the historical development of the juvenile justice system in the United States, the rehabilitative philosophy, jurisdiction issues, prinicples of adjudication, the role of police, juvenile courts, corrections, community agencies, and abuses within the system. Future trends of the juvenile justice system are considered. Also listed as SOCS 3140.

CRJU 3300
Criminal Justice Leadership [Course] (3)

This course presents an introduction to administrative leadership in non-profit public safety and criminal justice organizations. Major theories of leadership and the fundamentals of leadership are introduced in the context of public service, public safety, and criminal justice. Subjects covered include government and bureaucratic structures and political environments, as well as conflicting management in the workplace, labor relations, and collective bargaining.

CRJU 3500
Internship Preparation [Course] (1)

This course helps to prepare the student for the internship with an emphasis on resume writing, interviewing, and networking. Prerequisite: senior standing, formal admission to the major.

CRJU 4010
Ethical Practices in Criminal Justice System [Course] (3)

This course will focus on the importance of ethics as it relates to practitioners within the criminal justice system. The problems of unethical and deviant behavior among the police and other criminal justice professionals will be explored in the context of case studies. An emphasis on Christian ethics and philosophy to counteract current unhealthy trends and to insulate future criminal justice practitioners from acting in an unethical manner will be fostered throughout this course. Offered alternate years.

CRJU 4050
Contemporary Issues in Juvenile Justice [Course] (3)

This course provides an in-depth analysis of selected topics germane to the juvenile justice system. The course includes topics such as child abuse and domestic violence, alternatives for the status offender, ethical issues, children's rights, right to treatment and right to refuse treatment, the politics of juvenile justice, and the juvenile court as a socio-legal institution. Also listed as SOCS 4050. (Offered alternate years)

CRJU 4070
Criminal Justice Policy [Course] (3)

This course is designed to explore criminal justice within the framework of historical development and contemporary practices. It provides a solid foundation of knowledge about policy dimensions of crime and criminal justice. This course includes the evaluation and analysis of criminal justice policies from the perspective of political implications, criminal justice contexts, public needs, and economic factors. Students will explore criminal justice legislation and the legislative process. This course builds on previous learning from Introduction to Criminal Justice, Corrections, Judicial Systems, Criminal Law, and Criminal Procedure. Prerequisite: CRJ 101 and two of the following: CRJ 201, 205, 305 (Offered on demand)

CRJU 4100
Seminar: Diversity [Course] (2)

This course is designed for the upper level student. This course will be issue oriented and will challenge traditional notions and perceptions concerning diversity, biases, and in-justice in the overall Criminal Justice System . A significant portion of the class will be dedicated to the challenges, and various perceptions, associated with the application of criminal justice in a pluralistic society. The course design focuses on the narratives of the criminal justcice system , ethnic, racial, and culturally diverse local communities. Through class discussions, assignments, and real-world simulations, the student will be challenged to explore inherent biases that influence objectivity and shape or analyses of current controversial events relating to the interface between communities and the criminal justice system.

CRJU 4500
Internship Experience [Practicum] (2 - 4)

The internship involves an 8-16 hour per week placement under close professional supervision in a criminal justice agency designed to further the student's integration orientations with practice. Students, agency supervisors, and the College develop an individual learning contract. Prerequisite: CRJU 3500 or permission from instructor.

CRJU 4900
Cross Cultural Experience in Criminal Justice [Trip] (3)

Cross-Cultural Experience in Criminal Justice will introduce students to criminal justice systems and processes as carried out in a country or territory other than the United States. Students will gain personal experience and interpersonal skills that can be effective tools when working with culturally and racially diverse groups. This course will explore selected criminal justice policies as they relate to the nation's plans and programs in education and public information, policing, the judiciary, corrections and social welfare. Students will explore criminal justice issues, agencies and programs sponsored by the Church and/or by the public sector. Prerequisite: CRJ 101 and Permission of Instructor. (Offered on demand)

CRJU 4980
Undergraduate Research [Course] (1 - 3)

Students have the opportunity to conduct research under the supervision of a faculty member. A written report is required. Prerequisites: 1. Junior standing 2. A minimum of 9 semester hours in the discipline of the Independent Study 3. A minimum grade point average of 2.50 in the discipline 4. Proof of motivation and ability to work independently 5. Approval of the division in which the study is to be taken 6. Permission from the student's advisor, the course instructor, the Division Chair, and the Registrar. This course may be repeated.

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